THE VEGAN 樂維根【全素營養食品專家 The Vegan Nutrition Expert】 全球首款全方位全素高纖高蛋白營養補充品, 讓不同族群都能輕鬆且安心地補充【蛋白質、益生菌、維生素、礦物質】 ''簡單一小包從來都不簡單,不只純素,還存健康。'' We developed a “VEGAN HIGH FIBER PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT” for the first time in the world. Let all types of people can absorb PROTEIN, PROBIOTICS, MULTI-VITAMIN and MINERALS easily and without worries. “This simple package is not simple, it not only makes our world better, but also makes us healthier.” 保單字號:和泰產物 70-113-12197205-00003-PDL 食品業登錄字號:D-191116677-00000-9
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