【品牌介紹】 樹屋Cafe&Bistro 位於眷村中的藝術空間,清交大走路可達,近關埔社區。 咖啡廳由一個紅磚老屋改造,伴著一旁樹屋,有著南洋異國風自然情調。 過往也曾辦過藝術夜市集、復古派對...etc. 是一個有著各種可能性的地方。 Treehouse Cafe & Bistro An artistic space nestled in a military village, within walking distance from NCTU and NTHU, and near the Guangpu community. The café is housed in a renovated red-brick house, accompanied by a treehouse nearby, exuding a tropical and natural ambiance. In the past, it has hosted events such as artistic night markets, retro parties, and more, making it a place full of endless possibilities. 護城河畔的樹屋書店 樹屋在美麗的護城河邊的一間書店,結合著一個小咖啡廳,一間入場制的書店和一個小雞蛋糕攤,是一個讓城市旅者們可以入場整夜,伴書入夢的書店。 Hsinchu Book&Bed, located by a beautiful river, is a unique bookstore that combines a cozy café, an admission-based bookshop, and a charming egg waffle stand. It’s a space where urban travelers can spend the night immersed in books. 樹屋目前需要可以獨立值班的夥伴 Treehouse currently needs partners who can independently work shifts at two different stores. 獨立經營/獨立思考/設立目標/團隊合作/創造美感 Independent Operation / Independent Thinking / Setting Goals / Building Teams / Creating Aesthetics Life Style 飛行樹屋咖啡 營業時間 Treehouse Cafe&Bistro Business Hours 11:30~24:00 /Closed on Monday 護城河畔的樹屋書店 營業時間 Hsinchu Book&Bed Business Hours 13:00~23:00 樹屋官網 Web: 【產品服務】咖啡/調酒/異國料理/在地精釀/塔羅/海娜/藝術
- 彈性排班
- 同事可愛
- 免費供餐
- 點心櫃