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關於TWG Tea 世界奢華茶葉品牌TWG Tea創立於新加坡。TWG為The Wellbeing Group之縮寫,於2008年創立,其概念是將獨特和原創的零售店面、高雅沙龍與精品店和提供給專業人士的國際銷售網絡合而為一。TWG Tea堅持使用產地直送的茶葉,提供全球最多樣的種類選擇,不但擁有來自世界各國茶園的精緻茶葉,還有獨一無二的手工調配茶。做為國際公認的茶葉創新先鋒,TWG Tea亦提供雅緻的摩登茶具及融合茶香的精緻茶點。 2008年,TWG Tea於新加坡Republic Plaza開設了當地首間沙龍和精品店,之後亦陸續在當地標誌性地區,如ION Orchard購物中心、新加坡濱海灣金沙購物中心和高島屋購物中心等商場開設分店。 TWG Tea致力將其業務擴展至全球,於曼谷、上海、杜拜、廣州、香港、吉隆坡、台北、東京、馬尼拉與加達相繼開設TWG Tea沙龍與精品店。此外,亦在英國倫敦Harrods Knightsbridge區及美國紐約Dean & DeLuca Madison Avenue開設多間TWG Tea精品店。 TWG Tea亦是全球頂級酒店、高級餐廳、國際航空公司的茶葉供應商,並行銷世界各地的美食據點,包含葡萄牙的El Corte Ingles、澳洲的David Jones、德國的Feinkost Kaefer、俄羅斯莫斯科的GUM以及高端茶品沙龍。同時,TWG Tea更為全日空航班的乘客及新加坡航空頭等艙、商務艙、以及貴賓休息室的乘客提供精緻茗茶,於萬尺高空細細品嚐。 TWG Tea, the finest luxury tea brand in the world, was established in Singapore and TWG Tea, which stands for The Wellbeing Group, was founded in 2008 as a luxury concept that incorporates unique and original retail outlets, exquisite tea rooms and an international distribution network to professionals. A veritable tea institution, TWG Tea is passionate about sharing its expertise and has become a point of reference for tea lovers thirsty for knowledge. TWG Tea tasters travel thousands of miles across the globe every year, sampling hundreds of teas in search of the most desirable harvests direct from source gardens. Offering over 1,000 single-estate, fine harvest teas and exclusive blends, as well as tea patisseries and other tea-infused delicacies, TWG Tea is internationally recognised as a true innovator with the creation of new varieties of tea every season in collaboration with the world’s most renowned estates. The TWG Tea team takes pride in shaping the aesthetic image underpinning all the brand’s products, constantly updating the notion of TWG Tea while respecting the Asian and European traditions of elegance and beauty on which it is based, now spiced with a touch of sensuality and originality. 經營理念 TWG Tea, the finest luxury tea brand in the world.

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