大研創意工作室(Qoopio Studio)成立於2017年,位於台灣台北市。我們專注於提供人像攝影和精緻後製的攝影服務,涵蓋韓式證件照、形象照、全家福、團體合照以及體態紀錄等各種人像拍攝。我們以客戶的獨特需求為中心,並提供造型師彩妝整髮的服務,以塑造客戶心目中最理想的形象。每張作品都經過與客戶深入討論和交流後完成,真實紀錄著獨一無二的時刻。 Qoopio studio is located in Taipei, Taiwan. Since 2017, we have devoted ourselves to the perfection of portrait photography and post-shoot image refinement. Your photoshoot is uniquely tailored to suit your individual preferences and our team of stylists will help create your favorite look. Each and every beautiful photo to immortalize the moment follows careful discussion and consultation with you.
- 彈性排班
- 畢業轉正
- 公司聚餐
- 同事可愛