自2007年於台南佳里成立第一家迷客夏主題飲品門市後,至今全台已有超過200間的展店規模!除了持續研發「天然」、「手作」且「獨特」的創意調飲飲品外,每年也自主將門市所使用的茶葉、原物料與鮮奶送至相關單位進行檢驗,確保交到顧客手中的飲品是高品質與高優質的飲品,讓顧客不只能喝得美味,更能喝得安心。 Since the first Milkshop built in 2007 in Jiali District, we have expanded our scale to 200 branches now! Besides continuing to develop beverages that are non-preservative, hand-made and unique, Milkshop also sends our tea, milk and other ingredients to credible departments for further test. All we want is to make sure that our costumers can enjoy our beverages that are high-quality, non-pesticide-residue; at the same time, delicious and healthy. 2017年,迷客夏已邁入全新的階段,除了持續在全台穩健的展店成長外,亦至海外發展跨足亞洲版圖,讓全世界都喝得到迷客夏的高優質飲品。在公司快速成長的過程中,我們期望能有更多的熱血夥伴加入迷客夏的行列!同時,迷客夏也致力於創造優質的工作環境,並用心於每位夥伴的個別成長與發展,成為迷客夏的明日之星!
- 可抵實習時數
- 彈性排班
- 免經驗可
- 伙食津貼
- 畢業轉正
- 同事可愛
- 公司聚餐