Services. Years experience in a comprehensive field of visual branding, Penser Creative expertises in developing brand imagery and visual communication with sharp and sophisticated corporate identity and visual planning. Feeling, is the source of creativity. Categories. Visual Branding, Corporate Identity, Print, Packaging, Websites, Products, Illustration, Commercial Photography, Exhibition events design, Digital visual design, UI/UX design. 服務. 多年為品牌提供完整的視覺設計,以企業識別與視覺設計為主要專長,專精於品牌建立,擅長從無到有的整體設計與規劃。 感受,即是創意的誕生。 項目. 品牌視覺規劃、企業識別系統、印刷設計、包裝設計、網站設計、產品設計、插畫、商業攝影、展覽規劃、數位界面設計、互動設計。
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