Juicy bun burger美式餐廳

11 - 50 人應徵


Juicy bun burger美式餐廳

11 - 50 人應徵



【品牌介紹】Markshell先生, 旅居美國長達10年 ,對於美食總是無法抗拒, 喜歡到處旅行到處吃,足跡遍佈美國各大城市 不管有名氣的 沒聽過的,美食頻道介紹的,路邊不知名的,大大小小的餐廳他都吃. ”漢堡”永遠是他的最愛 又愛吃又挑剔的他,特別將他7年餐飲經驗,把道地的美國好滋味,經過改良, 加入自己獨門的祕料,特別呈現給跟他喜歡美食的你! 我們堅持使用100%澳洲上等進口牛肉 每日手工現打現做, 恰好的熟度讓你享受美味經典的牛肉堡 重量級厚切美味,That’s so Juicy ……. About “Juicy Bun” Burger Our owner, Markshell, lives in USA about 10 years and always craving for the great foods in USA. He likes to eat around cities, such as California, Texas, Florida, New York and so on. He eats all kind of foods, which includes street foods, unknown vendors in Route 66, and some great foods from Discovery Channel Food TV Show. “Hamburger” is one of his most favorite foods. From his 7 years chef experience in USA, he is passionate creating memorable hamburgers with local ingredients. He believes it is so special and much healthier to make his own sauce for his customers. Our burger is made with 100% imported Australian beef. Our burger is hand-made, delicious and true to its taste! Our specialty Thick and Juicy beef patties made fresh daily, so you can enjoy the tenderness of our juicy delicious burger! Thank you for coming, and we will see you soon! 【產品服務】 美味道地的美式漢堡,豐富營養木盆沙拉, 特色風味的帕里尼,經典美式歐姆蛋, 餐廳多種選擇,飲料無限暢飲,適合朋友、家庭約會聚餐!


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    1 - 10人

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