(Foreigners welcomed)大安區披薩店: 服務人員 Service Staff (早/晚/平日/周末) 歡迎二度就業

時薪$200 ~ $220




  • 彈性排班
  • 免經驗可
  • 免費供餐
  • 公司聚餐
  • 全勤獎金
  • 員工折扣
  • 畢業轉正


Pizza Persé 傳統式義大利披薩專賣店


  • 我們是一家位於大安區的小小溫馨披薩店,目前正在尋找外場服務人員。
  • 如果您希望在課後或工作的閒暇時間賺取外快,請與我們聯絡。
  • 早班(10:30-14:30)或晚班(17:00-21:30),平日和假日皆可安排,具體時間可以再進行討論。
  • 這是一份長期的兼職工作,所以如果您在未來六個月內有搬遷的計畫(例如去外地讀書),請不要應徵,謝謝!
  • - 個性開朗,不怕與人互動
  • - 對服務工作充滿熱情
  • - 需要具備基本的禮儀
  • - 情商高,情緒穩定
  • - 良好的基本衛生習慣
  • 我們的顧客大多數都很有禮貌,素質很高,但難免會遇到一些難以應對的顧客。在一百個顧客中,可能會有一兩個不愉快的顧客,但他們不會再回來了。不要讓一個人影響你一整天的心情。無論情況如何,你都應該為其他顧客提供專業且熱情的服務,保持穩定的情緒。
  • 在這裡,你不需要提供過於正式或卑躬屈膝的服務,只要自然熱情即可!當你外出用餐時,你期望得到什麼樣的服務?你是否曾因為餐廳的服務不好而感到不愉快過?最重要的是要將心比心!當你是顧客時,對服務生有禮貌;當你是服務生時,提供熱情的服務!
  • 其他資訊:
  • - 提供餐點,因此可以省下一些餐費 😊
  • - 薪資將根據經驗、學習能力和表現進行調整。歡迎二度就業者。
  • - 銷售葡萄酒有額外獎金。
  • - 我們主廚是外國人,客人也蠻多外國人,若懂一點英文是加分的!(不會也沒關係,這邊有環境讓你練習!)
  • 工作內容:
  • - 佈置及清理餐桌。
  • - 為顧客帶位。
  • - 替顧客服務、解說餐點、點餐。
  • - 簡單飲品製作與甜點準備。
  • - 收銀結帳。
  • - 環境清潔,使用洗碗機清洗餐具。
  • - 幫忙照顧外面的植物 😅
  • 如果你有豐富的外場服務經驗,薪資待遇可再討論。如有任何疑問,歡迎透過app詢問!
  • We are a pizza shop located in Da’an District, currently looking for front-of-house service staff.
  • If you're looking to make some extra money in your free time after school or work, please get in touch with us.
  • Morning shift (10:30-14:30) or evening shift (17:00-21:30), available on weekdays and holidays, scheduling can be discussed further.
  • This is a long-term part-time job, so if you have plans to relocate within the next six months (e.g., moving to another city for school), please do not apply. Thank you!
  • - Cheerful personality, not afraid of interacting with people, and passionate about providing service.
  • - Basic etiquette is required.
  • - High emotional intelligence, stable emotions.
  • - Good basic hygiene habits.
  • Our customers are generally polite and well-mannered, but it’s inevitable that we might encounter some difficult ones. Among every hundred customers, there might be one or two bad ones, but they won’t be coming back. Don’t let one person ruin your whole day. You should know how not to be affected and always provide professional and enthusiastic service to other customers no matter what!
  • Here, you don’t need to provide overly formal or servile, robot-like service; just be natural and enthusiastic! What kind of service do you expect when you go out to eat? Have you ever had a bad dining experience because of poor service? The most important thing is to put yourself in the customer's shoes! When you're a customer, be polite to the server, and when you're a server, provide enthusiastic service!
  • Additional Information:
  • - Meals are provided, so you can save a bit of money 😊
  • - Salary will be adjusted based on experience, learning ability, and performance.
  • - Second-time job seekers are welcome.
  • - There is a bonus for selling wine.
  • - Our chef is a foreigner, and we also have many foreign customers, so knowing a bit of English is a plus! (It's okay if you don't, you can learn here.)
  • - If your Chinese proficiency is intermediate or above and you can communicate on a basic level, you're welcome to work here, but you must have a work permit (Almost everyone can speak good English here: Chefs, cooks, managers)
  • Job Responsibilities:
  • - Setting up and clearing tables.
  • - Seating guests.
  • - Serving customers, explaining menu items, and taking orders.
  • - Preparing simple drinks and desserts.
  • - Handling cash register transactions.
  • - Cleaning the environment and using the dishwasher to clean tableware.
  • - Help take care of the outdoor plants 😅
  • If you have extensive experience in front-of-house service, compensation can be further discussed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask through the app!












(Foreigners welcomed)大安區披薩店: 服務人員 Service Staff (早/晚/平日/周末) 歡迎二度就業 (Foreigners welcomed)大安區披薩店: 服務人員 Service Staff (早/晚/平日/周末) 歡迎二度就業 (Foreigners welcomed)大安區披薩店: 服務人員 Service Staff (早/晚/平日/周末) 歡迎二度就業

推薦職缺 (20)

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